Dual Citizen Brewery and Vertical Endeavors - Twin Cities Bouldering have joined forces to offer you “Dual Endeavor: Yoga & A Pint.” Sharing common values that are rooted in the importance of creating strong and broad community ties, we’re so eager to get to know all of our new neighbors! Join us for a lighthearted […]
We will have all Minnesota United games on, with sound at the taproom. Yes, than means both home and away games. On any game day, wear your MNUFC colors for $1 off all pours. GO LOONS! #scarvesupmn MNUFC at DCBC
We will have all Minnesota United games on, with sound at the taproom. Yes, than means both home and away games. On any game day, wear your MNUFC colors for $1 off all pours. GO LOONS! #scarvesupmn MNUFC at DCBC
St. Pats food and details coming soon!
Join us this Saint Patrick's Day at the Dual Citizen Taproom as we celebrate our Irish Heritage and the Irish-American Dual Citizenship of Kevin Filter, Brewery Patriarch! We prefer to observe the Feast of Saint Patrick the traditional way, by enjoying good food, good music, and good spirits in the company of good friends. This […]