Hello all! Marc James Anderson the new Marketing Coordinator here at DCBC. As we move into the summer of 2021 I am very proud and excited to take on the marketing challenges that many businesses have faced throughout the pandemic. How do we balance our needs as a business with the concerns of public safety? How do we properly promote our brand while staying conscious of the looming fact that we are not out of the fire just yet.. challenging yes, but one of the things that drew me to Dual Citizen in the first place was the values that this brewery holds dearly. We are a community, and as a community who values our neighbor across the street as much as we value our neighbor across the world, with patience, trust and support one another, our community will survive!!

One of my first big projects here at DCBC was to build out the content and marketing strategies for the upcoming release of the elusive ‘Juice Tiger’. A conical sour with a mango, peaches, and lime base devised by the mad scientist Bradley Zimmerman. Juice Tiger is a beast of a beer without giving too much away, and we are all beyond stoked for you to come and give it a try.

“bam, our beer has a theme song.” 

In terms of the marketing for Juice Tiger, the notes I was given were pretty sparing, which from a design perspective is both challenging and very exciting. I was left to my own devices to come up with a concept and by golly, we pushed the limits!! I have to say I think I got pretty lucky in a few aspects, I was scouring the web for inspiration or perhaps a song with either ‘Juice’ or ‘Tiger’ somewhere in the song and what did I stumble across?? Literally, a song called ‘Juice Tiger’ by the band Parents – long story short we connected with them, and bam, our beer has a theme song.

It was a really great way to kick off my start here at DCBC and really set the tone for me creatively and moving forward I’m really excited for what we have coming up…**wink wink** BLOCKTOBER FEST 2021

So to wrap up my first entry into the Dual Citizen blog I’ll leave with the companies mission statement which really drew me to working with this amazing brand and company in the first place… See you all around the taproom!

Dual Citizen is a community-focused brewhouse born from a few simple beliefs. An understanding that substance beats trends. A recognition that community roots run the deepest.  The understanding that what unites us is far greater than what divides us.