Join us for some Sunday afternoon music in the taproom. Twin Cities Acoustic-Power-Pop Band The Long Honeymoon plays original songs to move your Hearts, Mind + Feet!
Backyard Bluesfest
Dual Citizen is honored to host the St. Anthony Park Backyard Bluesfest. Our neighbors Mike VanKeulen and Charlie Lawson have been putting this on for a decade. And now they've made the jump from their backyard to ours! Saturday Aug 3rd2-3 Dieselfitters3-4 The Baron...
Draw at Dual Citizen
Enjoy FREE coloring with Draw at Dual Citizen Brewing Company, and purchase a copy of Draw's NEW Minnesota Brewery Book! Copies of Draw’s latest coloring book, The Minnesota Brewery Book, will be available for purchase and includes coloring contests and discounts at...
Euchre Tourney
No partner? No worries! We play a progressive format with a random draw, resulting in a new partner in each of 4 rounds. Each round consists of 8 hands, each individual player records their score for that round, and we switch partners and do it all again. After 4...
Plants, Pollinators, & Pints
Bring on the butterflies while you enjoy a pint at Dual Citizen Brewing! Your yard can help to support songbirds, pollinators, wildlife — AND look beautiful. During this happy-hour workshop with nature educator Angie Hong, we'll talk about what to plant, how to get...