Join us for our comedy series Monday Nights Are A Joke, hosted by James Stanley on Monday, December 16th at 7:30pm. Enjoy a night of laughs with a talented lineup of comedians: Lucy Beers Shenk Grant Winkles Shawn Nafstad Ben Katzner Elise Cole Every Third...
Monday Nights are a Joke
Join us for our comdedy series Monday Nights Are A Joke, hosted by James Stanley on Monday, November 18 at 7:30pm. Enjoy a night of laughs with a talented lineup of comedians: Tido Moldonado, Ethan Pedersen, Trevor Anderson, PLUS two VERY Special drop-in guests you...
Monday Nights are a Joke
Monday Nights Are a Joke Hosted by James Stanley - We're bringing you monthly comedy nights for the low low price of free! Start Time: 7:30 October Comic Lineup: Ahmed Khalaf, Ellie Hino, Max Chapman, Lily Meyer, and Mike Lester
Monday Nights are a Joke
Monday Nights Are a Joke Hosted by James Stanley - We're bringing you monthly comedy nights for the low low price of free! Start Time: 7:30 September Comics: Aiden McCluskey, Ellie Hino, Max Chapman, Lily Meyer, MIKE Lester.
CANNED LAUGHTER: A Stand Up Comedy Showcase
Dual Citizen is bringing you a lineup of four local Twin Cities comics. The impressive group of talent are vastly different in style and demeanor, but unified by their skill of making whatever subject they set their mind to funny enough to spit your IPA. Ethan...