Are you 21 years old or older?
It’s a little bit o’luck when St Patricks Day happens right upon the Sunday Kolsch Service with Lenz & Frenz. You can expect a pert near all-Irish edition of the musical jam, 2-5pm.
Treat your inner child to a Shammy Shake (grown ups only).
Green Beer. Of course there will be green beer.
Free Potatoes to the first 50 customers!
Kolsch Service 2-5pm
A longstanding tradition in Köln, the concept of Kolsch Service is simple: SERVE, DRINK, REPEAT.
Served in a 200ml Stange glass, the beer keeps flowing as long as you want it to. Upon arrival, you receive a coaster for the day. This coaster is emblazoned with numbers 1-30 round the perimeter. A special carrier known as a Kranz, is brought around by the beertender, and if your glass is looking a little low, a new one gets dropped off and the number on your coaster is checked off. This will continue as long as you want, and when you’ve reached your end, you simply place your coaster on top of your glass. Done. Now bring your coaster to the bar and pay the tab!